Quantum happiness series- Feel better fast

“Physical and mental energy, to me, are the greatest riches of human life,”
– Jerry Seinfeld.


I remember having conversations with my mother that went something like this:

“I don’t feel good.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I just don’t have any energy.”

“What are you doing.”


“Well do something, and you’ll feel better.”

As usual, at the time, I thought she just wanted me to quit complaining, but now that I’m older, I go back to that advice again and again. Nothing is more debilitating than inactivity, which explains why she was never still. Aside from birdwatching with her morning coffee, she was a woman on the go for all her 84 years. The theme of her retirement party was the Energizer Bunny.


Mother knows best

In 2005 medical research confirmed what she instinctively knew. James A. Levine, an obesity specialist at Mayo Clinic, published an article in Science Magazine that confirmed sitting for hours a day poses a serious health hazard. In fact, it was recently reported that sitting for extended periods is responsible for more deaths than smoking.

Sedentary behaviors may:

·        increase cancer risk,

·        exacerbate anxiety and depression,

·        contribute to cardiovascular disease,

·        increase risk of type 2 diabetes,

·        decrease muscle mass, and

·        elevate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

(Source: hopkinsmedicine.org)

So, if you have no energy and don’t feel good, remember my mother and find a project, move around, go outside, get involved.   Do something and you’ll feel better.

Engagement exercise 1:
Review your time monitor. How many hours do you spend sitting per day?

Workdays:  _____________________

Non-workdays: __________________

Although some jobs require long hours of sitting, there are some simple things that we can do to get ourselves up and moving (See suggestion on following page.)

Engagement exercise 2:
Discover a few physical activities that keep you active and engaged. Then practice that activity anytime you feel brain fog, which is a primary symptom of ennui, creeping in through the cracks of your day.

Possible activities:

·         Walking

·         Stretching

·         Climbing stairs

·         Photography/ videography

Your activities:







This has been an excerpt from the Everyday Vacay e-series

Check out the entire video series here.

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Everyday Vacay at TammyTalk.com

If you are generally tired and frustrated, click here to receive a free e-seminar that details the causes and the cure.

Or explore the entire Everyday Vacay Series :)

 Featured photo by Tony Pham on Unsplash
