Quantum Happiness Series- Anger Alchemy

Anger alchemy

“When people are sad, they don’t do anything, but when they get angry, they bring about a change.”
—Malcolm X

When angry we have a choice to make. Will we use it as energy to motivate us and accomplish the impossible, or will we internalize it and implode allowing it to become a destructive force in our lives and others? The choice is ours.

Anger is physical and brings with it that awesome rush of energy and adrenaline via our fight or flight response. When we internalize this angry energy, it becomes toxic and turns us against ourselves, often making us demoralized and depressed, both symptoms of ennui.  But if we find a healthy outlet, it becomes a source of motivation and strength.

Let’s use the hypothetical example of a neighbor (whom you will meet in a future segment) who told me I couldn’t grow weeds much less prize-winning roses. Maybe I was just thinking about growing roses, but her response would have galvanized and energized my determination to grow not only roses, but prize-winning roses just to show her I could.

 Outlets such as:

·        Physical exercise,

·        Work in the yard or garden,

·        Research and writing,

·        Education,

·        Seeking an elected office,

·        Joining or starting a group or movement related to the cause,

o   Human rights groups

o   Animal rights groups

o   Civic organizations

o   Educational organizations

provide a safe and productive channel for anger instead of allowing it to ferment and fertilize the roots of ennui.

So, the next time your heart is racing, and your blood is boiling, lace up those running shoes and pound some pavement, grab a pen and write a letter to the editor, or find a trowel and weed the garden.

Don’t just stew in that anger and frustration. Do something. You’ll feel better!

How to use anger as jet fuel

Engagement exercise 1:

List three things in your life today that make you mad enough to motivate you.
1) _________________________________________________



Engagement exercise 2:
Are you using that energy productively or self-destructively? If destructive, how can you channel it more productively?







This has been an excerpt from the Everyday Vacay e-series

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Everyday Vacay at TammyTalk.com

If you are generally tired and frustrated, click here to receive a free e-seminar that details the causes and the cure.

Or explore the entire Everyday Vacay Series :)
