Everyday Vacay

Welcome to the Everyday Vacay E-Seminar Series

Everyday Vacay: a beginner's guide to health and happiness by Tammy Kearce

Everyday Vacay Complete Seminar Series

Are you tired and frustrated?
Do you have trouble sleeping? 
Are you busy yet bored?
Do you need more time and energy?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you are not alone. More than 70% of Americans report experiencing these same symptoms, all of which fall under the broader category of, "ennui"- (French: ahn-wee). Defined as a deep sense of weariness and dissatisfaction with life, ennui is caused by overindulgence, not in food or alcohol but overindulgence in all the good things life has to offer. In other words, ennui is a hangover of the great American Dream.
To beat ennui, we must discover inspiration and set goals, communicate our intentions to ourselves as well as others, and get organized.
This Cyber Seminar Series features 42 tutorials designed to do just that (see photos for the complete table of contents).
Each tutorial contains:
  • three to five pages of text,
  • two to five engagement exercises,
  • an interactive video Q&A playlist, and
  • six to 12 resource links.
This is an ongoing cyber seminar. Participation is encouraged, discussions take place across multiple social media platforms, and videos are posted in response to questions. So, come join the discussion, beat ennui, and find a little vacay in every day.

Invitation to Inspiration

Do you want to feel better fast?
Would you like to cultivate healthy habits?
Do you need more time and energy?
Here's help.
Invitation to Inspiration is part one of the three-part cyber seminar series: 
Everyday Vacay- How to Beat Ennui and Conquer the Dark Side of Having it All. 
Part one includes 15 tutorials, each one featuring:
  • Three to five pages of text, 
  • Two to five engagement exercises, 
  • An interactive Q&A video playlist, 
  • Six to 12 resource links On topics related to health and happiness, habits, goals, time and energy management. 
This is an ongoing cyber seminar. Participation is encouraged, discussions take place across multiple social media platforms, and videos are posted in response to questions. So, come join the discussion, discover inspiration, and find a little vacay in every day.
Everyday Vacay Cyber Seminar Series Part One: Invitation to Inspiration

The Communication Connection

Do you struggle to find the right words?
Is it difficult to say no?
Would you like to be more authoritative?
Here's help. 
The Communication Connection is part two of the three-part cyber seminar series: 
Everyday Vacay- How to Beat Ennui and Conquer the Dark Side of Having it All. 
Part two includes 16 tutorials, each one featuring:
  • Three to five pages of text, 
  • Two to five engagement exercises, 
  • An interactive Q&A video playlist, and
  • Six to 12 resource links on topics related to health and happiness, conscious conversation, lifelong learning, and leadership. 
This is an ongoing cyber seminar. Participation is encouraged, discussions take place across multiple social media platforms, and videos are posted in response to questions. So, come join the discussion, learn to communicate your intentions, and find a little vacay in every day.
Buy now: Everyday Vacay Cyber Seminar Series Part Two- The Communication Connection

Organize to Optimize

Do you wonder where your money goes?
Is your personal space drab and/or depressing?
Are social media sites affecting your mood and attitude?
Here's help. 
Organize to Optimize is part three of the three-part cyber seminar series: 
Everyday Vacay- How to Beat Ennui and Conquer the Dark Side of Having it All. 

Part three includes 12 tutorials, each one featuring:
• Three to five pages of text, 
• Two to five engagement exercises, 
• An interactive Q&A video playlist, 
• Six to 12 resource links 

On topics related to health and happiness, personal finances, and personal space. 
This is an ongoing cyber seminar. Participation is encouraged, discussions take place across multiple social media platforms, and videos are posted in response to questions. So, come join the discussion, get organized, and find a little vacay in every day.
Everyday Vacay Cyber Seminar Series Part Three: Organize to Optimize (buy now)
